the Row Margaux 15 black in soft leather
Hi guys,
I’m a longtime patron of RepLadies (before the thread change) and had relationships with old sellers. I stopped buying reps for the past few years and decided to return.
I’m looking for a reputable seller with high end replicas for this specific bag:
THE ROW Matte Grained Calfskin Soft Margaux 15 Black
I have Darren’s information but wanted to make sure I casted my net before moving forward. Or if there are any rehomes available I’d definitely be interested. I’ve seen kata factory mentioned many times as well. I just want the best bag with the right leather and slouch. Thank you!!
Hi guys,
I’m a longtime patron of RepLadies (before the thread change) and had relationships with old sellers. I stopped buying reps for the past few years and decided to return.
I’m looking for a reputable seller with high end replicas for this specific bag:
THE ROW Matte Grained Calfskin Soft Margaux 15 Black
I have Darren’s information but wanted to make sure I casted my net before moving forward. Or if there are any rehomes available I’d definitely be interested. I’ve seen kata factory mentioned many times as well. I just want the best bag with the right leather and slouch. Thank you!!